The Green Phoenix invites submissions from anyone who enjoys using language to explore, ponder, celebrate, protect, or inform about the natural world. This website’s goal is simply to use words to reshape our cultural values and our relationship with nature, so whatever form of writing you prefer, I'd be happy to consider your piece for display! (I also accept reprints.)
So far, I have only received submissions in poetry and nonfiction essays, but if you have a work of some other genre, please let me know! I would be happy to add a new category to the site.
If you want to make a submission, please send it to this email address:
Though you are allowed to make larger submissions, these are the suggested limits:
Poetry: Max. 5 poems per submission
Fiction and Nonfiction: Max. 4,000 words
When making your submission, please include the following information:
Your Name
Name of Submission(s)
Category of Submission(s) (e.g. “nonfiction essay”)
Relevant Copyright Information (if your work has been published previously, please make sure that you have the right to reprint it, and share the first publication information)
Favorite Animal or Aspect of Nature (if you want to be included on the "Contributing Artists" list on the "About" page)
If you like, you can also talk about why you care about writing and the environment, about your favorite books, or about other aspects about yourself. I'd be happy to get to know you a bit, but I won’t require that.
I'm excited to hear from you!